Is it possible to train your MIND to be ZEN & PRODUCTIVE at the same time…

… even if you are a super-busy content creator?

Yes, solopreneurs, bloggers, digital marketers, and content creators from all parts of the world: I’m talking to you! We all want to be productive. Efficient.

But when launching a new project,
we all face the same mental blockages:

  • The waste of time: How to stop procrastinating and start producing faster…
  • The impostor’s syndrome: How to stop self-deprecating and start overcoming your need for perfection…
  • The fear of failure: How to stop worrying and start taking action now…
  • The fear of success: How to stop imagining what does not exist yet and start building your future with concrete, easy-to-follow steps…


You need to acknowledge this: The human MIND is a complex system.

   It is really hard to find inner peace while having so many ideas swirling around in your sizzling mind, especially when you are building and managing your (online) business.

   It is even harder to stay focused and get results when you are expected to manage it all at the same time in a 24-hour day: Take care of your body, mind, business, loved ones, social life, health, present, future, spirituality. All at the same time. EVERY SINGLE DAY.


Daily life has become SUPER-FAST, super-demanding and fraught with over-promising offers.

Those offers capture your attention at every new click and let you think things will happen without any effort. Not true.

Let me share the 2 essential truths you need to know to succeed:

   To feel more confident, free and zen, you need to understand your inner workings and schemes, and use your most powerful energy: EMOTIONS.

   To have more results and become as productive as a busy octopus, you need to be able to tune-in with your emotions and know how to use your most precious ressource: TIME.

Leveraging your EMOTIONS and optimizing your TIME is almost the exact same thing. Emotions and time are 2 aspects that are present at every nano-second of your life and they are intimately connected.


This is what most solopreneurs and online marketers neglect: The power of EMOTIONS.

 Do you really need:

  • Another 25 social media actionable tactics to attract more potential customers to your email list (important word here: potential)?
  • That ultra-complex 17-step sales funnel to profile each and every of your blog visitors and offer them the most optimized product offer?
  • Those 19 must-have best wordpress plugins for a more powerful blog?

No, you don’t.

(And the list of examples above could have gone on for ever, you already know that).

Trust me, I have been there…

… collecting hundreds of seemingly a-m-a-z-i-n-g marketing techniques on my hard-drive (and never fully using a single one of them),

…. chasing the latest marketing trends to improve my never-complete-enough solopreneur’s skill set (instead of becoming real’ good at one or two key skills corresponding to who I really am),

… spending big dollars for that brand new motivational course from this or that known or unknown internet guru promising you millions and caviar for breakfast (I still eat my simple organic French omelet for breakfast and it does not mean I’m any less of a happy man)..


I understood the following TRUTH very early in life…

Happiness, productivity and success all start
with 1 single truth:

 … but it took me YEARS to understand how to implement it in my daily life & in my online businesses.

Do not expect it to come naturally to you, out of sheer determination.

You need to first know the alphabet before reading and writing.

This is no different when it comes to hack…

… your customers’ minds to understand what is going to raise their interest and convince them to buy your products.

… your own mind to develop the right mindset and boost your success and happiness in your business and in life in general.


The PATH to success & happiness with your online business does not have to be so complex…

… and I am about to show you some serious shortcuts.

There are thousands of marketing courses available out there.
There are as many marketing gurus seducing you with professionnally designed and highly graphical sales pages and sales funnels to sell you the latest marketing techniques invented.

This is NOT what I have for you.

I’ll teach you something that will NEVER change, and…
… this is the reason why it is so powerful.
… this is the reason why it is the best investment you can do for your business and for yourself.

I’ll teach you:

the psychology of persuasion and motivation
applied to content creation

This is what is going to help you to:

  1. Attract highly qualified prospects .
  2. Create addictive content and products.
  3. Transform your customers into fans.
  4. Generate more sales and revenues.
  5. Become a master of emotions, while being zen AND productive.


The best way to a successful business is to learn time-tested, BITE-SIZED principles you can turn into HABITS quickly

This is exactly what I’m sharing in my private emails.